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Omega Aqua Terra Replica Watches, who was 13 years old at the time, has a very mature soul. Both my children are familiar with children's hospitals because I work a great deal with children with cancer and my brother died from leukaemia. We all went together to Hong Kong to watch the Orbis film we made. Omega realised that they wanted to show their heritage and legacy by including my children as they started their careers. Since 10 years, they've been unofficial ambassadors.

Peter Lindbergh photographed Omega Aqua Terra Replica Watches Gerber (left) and Presley Gerber for Omega.

What values do you hold dear after 22 years of Omega?

The great history of Omega, including James Bond and Moonwatch, was what initially attracted me. As a young model, I was attracted to Omega by its quality and legacy.Omega Aqua Terra Replica Watches When we started working together I thought, "This is a fascinating company." Then they took me to Switzerland so that I could meet the watchmakers, and understand why their timepieces are special. The watch community has a lot of interesting people. You get to know some watch enthusiasts and listen to their stories. I now understand what a quality watch is.

Circa 1996: Cindy Crawford at Omega's Bienne facility working on the Constellation design.

Do you feel a connection to other Omega Ambassadors such as Eddie Redmayne George Clooney or Buzz Aldrin?

It's amazing that Omega always works with people at the peak of their game. I met Eddie through Omega - they may have gotten him right before he exploded. George is someone I know. He asked me whether he should be an ambassador and I said: "Yes!" I've already been with them 10 years. "Come and join the family!" There is also Nicole Kidman and Michael Phelps.

It's great that Omega hires you as you are on your way up. That's worked out well for me. I am no longer a 25 year old girl on Vogue's cover, but a 51 year old woman who is a businesswoman and a mom. The people who have been with me for a long time never said,Richard Mille Replica Watches "Now we are going to dump her. We want the new Cindy Crawford." Instead, they let me grow and develop. You both grow in marriages, but it's best to grow together. That's what happened with Omega. They've got the new Cindy Crawford, of course!

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